Th-th-that's all, folks! (maybe)
So, guess who has his last day of undergrad class ever today??? I'll give you 3 guesses. What? No, it's not Corey Hart. Why would you guess Corey Hart? You are the worst guesser ever. You know what, I revoke your other 2 guesses. It's me! My last day of class (maybe) ever is today! I mean, I have 6 credit hours left before I graduate, but I'm getting those with a trip to Costa Rica, so they don't count. As I look back over these past 4 years, I remember...not much, actually. My memory's not the best sometimes. So now, we move on. To where, you ask? Well, you see, that's a very good question. I sort of wish I knew the answer. But I'm also sort of glad I don't (though I have a few family members who are much more exasperated over it than I am). We always hear about living in faith, and my complete lack of planning and/or, well, planning, I suppose, either shows that I am starting to live in faith, or it may show that I am a terrible planner with no regard for my future. Either way, I'm excited. Really, I do believe that God has some sort of plan for me, and I'm excited to find out what it is. Knowing me, I probably won't find out until I'm already there, but whatever. For now, here we are. My last day of undergraduate class ever, and depending on future decisions (blah,blah,blah), maybe my last day of school EVER! I really do hate school. Growing up, nobody seemed to realize this fact. It was always like, "Yeah, you hate school, whatever." I know kids are supposed to say they hate school, but I truly always felt my hatred was truer and deeper than most. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I still believe it was. I think people never believed me because I made good grades or something. Like hating school is contingent upon being bad at it. This is not the case. School and I have never had a very good relationship. And now it is (maybe) over forever. Am I nostalgic, looking back and seeing all the good in school? Not at all. Maybe years down the road it will be different. For now though, all I have to say to school is this - I hate you. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
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