
Here are a few I wrote today. Nothing special. Enjoy.

"College Acceptance"

The mail! The mail! It's finally arrived!
The moment of truth is here, it's now, the moment of my life!

They said 3 weeks, but it's actually been 24 days, 17 hours.
But it's here now, all is forgiven, my mood is far from sour.

What a moment, what a joy, the college of my dreams! 
We were a match made in Heaven, the perfect pair, it seems.

Volunteer work and leadership roles, top of my class in school.
All that hard work, now I can attend this very prestigious school.

The interviews came and I wowed with my charm, I knew they couldn't say no.
I could see myself ten years down the road, doctor or lawyer or CEO.

I tear open the envelope, unfold the letter for a view.
 I take a deep breath and read, "Dear Applicant: We regret to inform you..."

Wait, what did that line just say?! Surely not what I think!
My eyes must be playing tricks on me, so I blink and blink and blink.....

But I open my eyes and the words are still there,
it was almost too much to bear.
I couldn't believe the choice they had made, 
my dreams of glory began to fade:
Rejection, clear as day.
I stand up straight and say in a loud voice, 
"Good thing this wasn't my first choice.
This school's certainly not for me,
there are bigger fish in the sea,
I didn't want to go there anyway."


This couplet's artistic and edgy because
it doesn't rhyme.


There once was a man in Hades
who had asked permission to sneeze.
The devil said no,
but still he let blow,
and gave Hell a refreshing breeze.


Everybody Dies, But Not Everyone Lives

The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

My sister's birthday is today. We should be around the table, singing poorly and eating cake and taking pictures. But we're not doing any of those things, because my sister hasn't aged a day in over 7 years now. Even typing it now, it seems wrong. 7 years? No, that can't be right. But indeed it is. It has been over 7 years since Rachel left this world. 7 years of no singing, 7 years of no cake, 7 years of no pictures. It's hard to believe that much time has passed in such a hurry. I remember waking up, astonished to discover that Life, in its great apathy, had decided to go on without her. Surely Time would stop at least for a while to grieve? But it did not. It just continued marching, eyes ahead, while we were left behind to go about our own business. That was the day that I learned, not just in theory but in practice, that Life goes on. It's such a simple concept, isn't it? Life goes on. But we always, at one point or another, expect it to make an exception, just this once. It never does. It's odd how life now is, in essence, exactly the way it was before. I never saw that coming. I just knew that I would live forever with a leaden heart, heavy every hour of every day. But I have not. Life, as it is wont to do, went on. The pain has not necessarily subsided. At times, such as today, I feel it as fresh as ever, tearing again what I had so carefully mended. But I have learned that Life goes on. I miss Rachel very much. I still grieve for her. Well, really, I grieve for me. She is far better off now, there is no need to grieve for her. My grief is a selfish one, as I grieve for all the jokes I'll never hear her tell, all the smiles I'll never see her smile, all the laughs I'll never hear her laugh, all the sorrows I'll never hear her share. But Life goes on. Rachel loved Life, and she lived the one on earth as well as she knew how. In moving on, I acknowledge that she is gone for now, but I also know that she would find joy in my joys, sadness in my tears, and just maybe, laughter in my crappy jokes. She is gone, yes, but she still lingers, like after the pianist has left the room but you could swear you still hear that last note hanging in the air. As I live my life, I am experiencing things Rachel never got to experience, and going places she never went. It is odd, being older than my older sister. But today, I celebrate her Life. Not just the one I grieve for, but the one that Death has already tried and failed to steal from her. More than just her smile or her laughter, I am thankful for her (eternal) Life, and today, that is what I celebrate, for if there's one thing that Life has taught me, it's that it goes on.