
the question to the answer is 42

Ok, so we've already determined that when people think about Christianity, Jesus somehow gets lost in the equation, right? The question is, why? I mean, christians and non-christians alike somehow ignore him, but what's the reasoning? I think the reason is fairly simple - it's a whole lot easier to ignore Jesus. Wait, what? No deep theological explanation? Nope. It's just easy to ignore Jesus. And people love to do things that are easy. The reasons are different for christians and non-christians, but the root cause is there. For Christians, it's easy to ignore Jesus because we can never follow all the rules. Ignoring Jesus means that when we screw up (daily), we don't have to realize that we are the bride cheating on the only one who will ever truly love us. We don't have to realize that we are the son rebelling against his father time and again. Without Jesus in the picture, all we have to think about is how many people do worse things. Sure, I may have strayed a bit, but did you hear what that guy did this weekend? Man, I would hate to be him on judgement day. And on the rare occasion we do happen to follow God's direction, man oh man, are we special. We don't have to realize that Christ expects and deserves more of us than controlling a few wild urges. We don't have to consider that all our "righteous acts" are like filthy rags before God. All we need to know is how great our self-control is and how much better the world could be if there were more people like us. I mean, that stuff I did was in the past, right? Today I conquered immorality once and for all. Did it single-handedly, too. Without Jesus, our faith becomes nothing more than a list of rules that, for all we know, could help us reach nirvana. Or at least make a lot of people pat us on the back. I mean, who needs a relationship with the creator of the universe, the only perfect being, the one who died just so we could have a relationship with him, when you could get a pat on the back instead? A pat on the back is so much more physically reassuring.


  1. Absolutely brother. Part of it just got my mind running, and I'm letting it:
    The more stuff we continually put in our lives, materialistic or otherwise, the easier it becomes to ignore Jesus Christ. Jesus told us that it is HARD for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Guess what, that's not just talking about Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and the other billionaire/millionaires in the world, IT'S TALKING ABOUT US! We are by far the richest people in the world.
    We were made from the beginning, to worship. Here is the thing: we decide what we worship.
    People in under-developed countries have close to nothing, so when they hear the name of Jesus Christ it is understandably easier for them to choose to worship Jesus Christ because, realistically, they don't have that many other options. We, on the other hand, have more options of objects of worship than we know what to do with. We could worship, sports, entertainment, alcohol, a social scene, (get this) theology, TV, relaxation, an iconic figure, fame, fashion, or MONEY!!!, and so much more. Therefore we generally have a much more difficult time picking GOD from our bag of options.
    This doesn't let us off the hook. Just because it's harder for us does not mean that God will let us get away with more, or that he doesn't expect the same level of undying unparalleled devotion as he does from those with less. The rich man came to Jesus and said what must I do to be saved. Jesus doesn't say, O it's ok I know it's harder for you so just do what you can, go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays and be nice to people and I'll see ya in Heaven. No,Christ, (knowing all of these things), tells him to give it all up and come follow Him. The rich man couldn't do it.
    For some reason our culture has turned our God into a God who would never ask us to literally give it all up even though this story proves obviouslly that he would.
    What would my answer be? What would your answer be? Is He worth it?
    Think about this (from a book called Crazy Love). Imagine all of Heaven and all of things you have always imagined Heaven to be. Crystal Seas, Roads of Gold, All of your old relatives, All the hot wings I could ever want (maybe just mine), etc. If you could have all of that Heaven, but with no God, would you take it?

  2. Caleb,
    Kelley set me up on your blog. I enjoy reading and I will make comments from time to time. They are excellent. Continue the good work! James
